Project information

  • Data Project: 2010–2011
    Category: Multi-domain volume mesh algorithm based on cut hexagon octree technique with focus on parallel implementation and quality of meshing.

Medmesh, Multi-domain volume mesh algorithm based on cut hexagon octree technique with focus on parallel implementation and quality of meshing. IT’IS Foundation, Zurich, Swizerland

Metoda Octree Mesh Hexahedral meshes are a popular volumetric discretization widely used for solving partial differential equations in computer graphics and engineering applications. They are favored over unstructured meshes due to their support for higher-order spline constructions, which are popular in the isogeometric analysis community due to their slightly higher accuracy. Octree mesh generation, one of the oldest hex-meshing techniques is currently used in commercial hexahedral meshing tools. Effective algorithm to transform the octree into a pure hex mesh based on the observation that the dual-mesh of a non-conforming octree is conforming and made of a small set of polyhedral types, which can always be merged together into an adaptive and inversion-free pure hex mesh. They are also one of the default mesh types used in many existing open-source and commercial computer-aided engineering analysis packages. Hexahedral mesh explicitly preserves sharp features of the original input, has a maximal, user-controlled distance deviation from the input surface, is composed of elements with only positive scaled jacobians (measured by the eight corners of a hex and does not have self-intersections.